Our Words

5 PLASTIC FREE SWAPS... for when you're not WFH

5 PLASTIC FREE SWAPS... for when you're not WFH

A fork to eat your lunch, a plastic mask to catch the train with, a plastic pack of tissues for those winter sniffles, coffee cup after plastic coffee cup - yeah, they’re good for the duration of the trip, but what happens next?
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NIDRA Blog: 5 Ways To Make Your Wardrobe New Again

5 WAYS TO... make every outfit look new again

You don’t have to be a big fast-fashion conglomerate to start implementing changes, you can just… be you, your fashion-loving self. Start consciously dressing and buying with the help of these five environmentally-friendly ways and means.
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NIDRA: 5 Ways to look like you've had 8 hours sleep

5 WAYS TO... wake up looking like you've had 8 hours sleep

In 2022 it seems we can’t get enough quality time with our silky pillows for a blockbuster night of zs. No really, we can’t. Did you know a lack of quality sleep affects up to 4 in 10 Australian adults? That’s almost half your office floor who’s woken up needing a dozen coffees, and looking like they need a dozen coffees.
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