Our Words

NIDRA - Our Words - 5 Ways To Reduce Plastic Consumption

5 WAYS TO... Reduce plastic consumption

The World Economic Forum says by 2050, our oceans could contain more plastics than fish. But there is good news. We can urge manufacturers to change the way they produce, simply by changing the way we consume.

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NIDRA Ethical Ahimsa Silk

SLEEP CONSCIOUSLY: Ahimsa (Peace) Silk vs Commercial Silk

So, now you know what Ahimsa Silk is all about, what does that make of all your silk pieces we now recognise as, well… not so peaceful? As we delve more consciously into our daily practices, it’s important to understand the behind-the-scenes of what is truly organic and Fair Trade production.
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NIDRA Face Saver Case - Ahimsa Silk Pillowcase

LOVE THE WAY YOU LIE: Why sleeping on silk is sooo good

Once reserved for Eastern dynasties, decadent canopy beds of Marie Antoinette-style snoozing and sleazy seventies films (yes, those ones)... at NIDRA, we want you to forget what you know about silk pillowcases and help you discover why investing in ethical silk pillows is investing in the healthiest sleep of your life.
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